Jumat, 28 November 2014

EBOOK Kimia Gratis

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EBOOK Kimia Gratis

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1 100% Math Proofs.djvu
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4 A Complete Introduction to Modern NMR Spectroscopy.pdf
5 A Dictionary of Quotations.PDF
6 A Matter of Size Triennial Review of the National Nanotechnology Initiative.pdf
7 A Practical Handbook of Preparative HPLC.pdf
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36 An Introduction to Chemical Kinetics.pdf
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49 Analytical Chemistry Theoretical and Metrological Fundamentals
50 Analytical Electrochemistry 3ed.pdf
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55 Analytical Solid-Phase Extraction.pdf
56 Antifouling Paint Biocides.pdf
57 antioxidantmethod.pdf
58 Application Of Ion Exchange Processes.pdf
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64 Applied Electrospray Mass Spectrometry
65 Applied Mathematics for Physical Chemistry 2nd.pdf
66 Applied Physics of Carbon Nanotubes.pdf
67 Applied surface thermodynamics.djvu
68 Applied Thin-Layer Chromatography-Best Practice and Avoidance of Mistakes.pdf
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71 Aqueous-Phase Organometallic Catalysis Concepts and Applications.pdf
73 Aromatic Chemistry.pdf
74 AS Chemistry.pdf
75 Assigning Structures to Ions in Mass Spectrometry
76 Atkins – Physical Chemistry.djvu
78 Atlas of zeolite framework types.pdf
79 Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.pdf
80 Atomic and Nuclear Analytical Methods.pdf
81 Atomic Spectroscopy.pdf
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83 Atoms and Molecules.djvu
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85 Basic 1H- and 13C-NMR Spectroscopy.pdf
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92 Bicontinuous Liquid Crystals
93 Bioanalysis and Biosensors for Bioprocess Monitoring.pdf
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98 Biochemistry.pdf
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100 Bioinorganic chemistry a short course.pdf
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103 BiomaterialsAndBioengineeringHandbook.jpg
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106 Bioorganometallic Chemistry.pdf
107 Bishop
108 Bishop-GroupTheoryAndChemistry.pdf
109 Buku Teks Kimia Kuantum.pdf
111 Carbon C13 NMR Spectroscopy.pdf
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113 Carbon Nanomaterials (Advanced Materials).pdf
114 Carbon Nanotubes – Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.pdf
115 Carbon Nanotubes Properties and Applications.pdf
116 Carbon-Rich Compounds -From Molecules to Materials
117 Catalysis An Integrated Approach, 2nd Ed, Elsevier (1999).pdf
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120 Catalysis of Organic Reactions
121 Catalysis of Organic Reactions.pdf
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133 Chemical Crystallography (1961).djvu
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135 Chemical Dynamics in Condensed Phases.pdf
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138 Chemical Kinetics and Reaction Dynamics
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141 Chemical Kinetics of Solids.pdf
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146 Chemical Process Safety.pdf
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149 Chemical Thermodynamics Advanced Applications.pdf
150 Chemical Thermodynamics for Metals and Materials.pdf
151 Chemical Thermodynamics Just Presentasion.pdf
152 Chemical Thermodynamics of Materials.pdf
153 Chemical Thermodynamics Principles and Applications.pdf
154 Chemically Reacting Flow Theory and Practice.pdf
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161 Chemistry and Technology of Explosives vol-2.pdf
162 Chemistry and Technology of Explosives vol-3.pdf
163 Chemistry and Technology of Explosives vol-4.pdf
164 Chemistry at Extreme Conditions.pdf
165 Chemistry Connections, 2 ed.pdf
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170 Chemistry of Precious Metals
171 Chemistry of Superconductor Materials.pdf
172 Chemistry of the Carbonyl Group.pdf
173 Chemistry of the Defect Solid State (1953).djvu
174 Chemistry of the Elements
175 Chemistry of the Environment.pdf
176 Chemistry of the Upper and Lower Atmosphere.pdf
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178 Chemistry the Central Science.djvu
179 Chemistry, by John A. Olmsted, Gregory M. Williams.pdf
180 Chemometrics A Practical Guide.pdf
181 Chiral Analysis.pdf
182 Chiral Chromatography.pdf
183 Chiral separation techniques.pdf
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187 Chromatography Theory (Chromatographic Science, 88).djvu
188 Classics in Total Synthesis (1996).djvu
189 Clathrochelates(2002).pdf
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192 Colloid Science Principles, Methods and Applications
193 Colloidal Silica Fundamentals and Applications.pdf
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197 Combustion 2nd.pdf
198 Complexity in Chemistry, Biology, and Ecology.pdf
199 Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry
200 Comprehensive Chemical Kinetics, Volume 29.pdf
201 Comprehensive Chemical Kinetics, Volume 34.pdf
202 Comprehensive Chemical Kinetics, Volume 42 – Modeling of Chemical Reactions.pdf
203 Comprehensive Coordination Chemistry
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207 Comprehensive Organic Functional Group Transformations, Volume 4.pdf
208 Comprehensive Organic Functional Group Transformations, Volume 5.pdf
209 Comprehensive Organic Functional Group Transformations, Volume 6.pdf
210 Comprehensive Organic Reactions in Aqueous Media.pdf
211 Comprehensive Organic Transformations. A guide to functional group preparations. 2nd Ed. (Wiley 1999).djvu
213 COMPUTATIONAL CHEMISTRY Introduction to the Theory and Applications of Molecular and QuantumMechanics.pdf
214 Computational Chemistry.pdf
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216 Computational Mechanics of Composite Materials.pdf
217 Computational Methods in Photochemistry.pdf
218 Computational Methods in Photochemistry.pdf
219 Computational Methods in Surface and Colloid Science.pdf
221 Computational Studies, Nanotechnology, and Solution Thermodynamics of Polymer Systems.2002.pdf
222 Computer – Aided Molecular Design
223 Concepts of Modern Catalysis and Kinetics.pdf
224 Conceptual Chemistry.djvu
225 Contemporary Aspects of Boron Chemistry and Biological Applications.pdf
226 Controlled Synthesis of Nanoparticles in Microheterogeneous Systems.pdf
228 Cottrell, The Strengths of Chemical Bond.djvu
229 CRC Handbook of Laboratory Safety 5th
230 Crystal Design Structure and Function.pdf
231 Crystal Structure Analysis, Buerger.djvu
232 Crystalization.pdf
233 Crystal-Liquid-Gas Phase Transitions and Thermodynamic Similarity.pdf
234 Crystallography (Wiley- 1996).djvu
235 Crystals and Crystal Structures Tilley.pdf
236 Current Practice of Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry.pdf
237 Cyclic Voltamatry.djvu
238 Cycloaddition Reactions in Organic Synthesis.pdf
239 Dendrimer Catalysis.pdf
240 Dendrimers.pdf
241 Densities of Aromatic Hydrocarbons.pdf
242 Densities of Monocyclic Hydrocarbons.pdf
244 Design Reactive Distillation.pdf
245 Diazo Chemistry I.pdf
246 Diazo Chemistry II.pdf
247 Dictionary of Chemistry.pdf
249 Diffusion in Condensed Matter
250 Diffusion-Limited Reactions (Comprehensive Chemical Kinetics, Volume 25, Elsevier 1985).pdf
251 Digital simulation in electrochemistry.pdf
252 Direct Synthesis of Coordination and Organometallic Compounds.pdf
253 Discotic Liquid Crystals From Dynamics to Conductivity.pdf
254 Dispersions.djvu
255 Distillation Operation.pdf
256 Domino Reactions in Organic Synthesis.pdf
257 Dynamics of Molecule Surface Interaction.djvu
258 Electrochemical Activation of Catalysis Promotion, Electrochemical Promotion, and Metal-Support Interactions.djvu
259 Electrochemical Reactions and Mechanisms in Organic Chemistry.pdf
260 Electrochemistry and Corrosion Science.pdf
261 Electrochemistry Principles, Methods, and Applications.pdf
262 Electrochemistry_in_Nonaqueous_Solutions_KINGDWARF.pdf
263 Electrocrystallization in Nanotechnology.pdf
264 Electrolysis and electrosynthesis of organic compounds.pdf
265 Electrolytes At Interfaces.djvu
266 Electron Correlation in Molecules and Condensed Phases.djvu
267 Electron Spin Resonance Spectroscopy of Organic Radicals.pdf
268 Electronic and Photoelectron Spectroscopy.pdf
269 Electronic Materials Science.pdf
270 Electronic Structure.djvu
271 Electronic Theory of Organic Chemistry (1950).djvu
272 Elsevier – Chemometrics in Spectroscopy.pdf
273 Enantioselective Organocatalysis Reactions and Experimental Procedures.pdf
274 Encyclopedia of Chemical Physics_Physical Chemistry.pdf
275 Encyclopedia of Chromatography 2004 Update Supplement (Hardcover).pdf
276 Encyclopedia of Computational Chemistry Vol 1.djvu
277 Encyclopedia of Computational Chemistry Vol 2.djvu
278 Encyclopedia of Separation Science. Cooke M., Poole C.F. (eds) (2000)
279 Encyclopedia Spectroscopy and Spectrometry.pdf
280 Encyclopedic Dictionary of Named Processes in Chemical Technology.pdf
281 encyklopedy bio chemistry1-4
282 Enolates.pdf
283 Entropy and Entropy Generation Fundamentals and Applications.pdf
284 Entropy Search Complexity.pdf
285 Environmental Chemistry 7ed.pdf
286 Environmental Degradation and Transformation of Organic Chemicals.pdf
287 Environmental Laboratory Exercises for Instrumental Analysis and Environmental Chemistry.pdf
288 Environmental Nanotechnology.pdf
289 Epoxy Resins Curing Agents Compounds
290 Essential NMR for Scientists and Engineers.pdf
291 Essentials of Computational Chemistry, 2nd Edition.pdf
292 esterification_otera_2005.pdf
293 Etrophy and information theory.pdf
294 Excel for Chemists – A Comprehensive Guide – 2nd Edition.pdf
295 Excel in Analytical.pdf
296 Excel Scientific and Engineering Cookbook
297 Experimental Methods in Kinetic Studies.pdf
299 Exploring the Quantum.pdf
300 Extraction Methods for Environmental Analysis.pdf
301 Femtochemistry and Femtobiology-Ultrafast Events in Molecular Science.pdf
302 Femtochemistry.pdf
303 Food Safety Contaminants and Toxins.pdf
304 Fourier Transform Spectrometry
305 Freeze-DryingLyophilization of Pharmaceutical and Biological Products, 2nd Edition
306 Frontier Orbitals A Practical Manual.pdf
307 Functional Organic Materials Volume 1 – Syntheses, Strategies and Applications.pdf
308 Fundamental of Quantum Chemistry.pdf
310 Fundamentals of composite materials.djvu
311 Fundamentals of Contemporary Mass Spectrometry.pdf
313 Fundamentals of Equilibrium and Steady-State Thermodynamics.pdf
314 Fundamentals of Protein Structure and Function.pdf
315 Fundamentals of Quantum Mechanics For Solid State Electronics and Optics.pdf
316 Fuzzy Logic in Chemistry.pdf
317 Gas Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry.pdf
318 Gas Transport in Porous Media (Theory and Applications of Transport in Porous Media).pdf
319 General Chemistry.pdf
320 Good Laboratory Practice – the Why and the How.pdf
321 Green Chemistry and Catalysis.pdf
322 Green solvents for chemistry perspectives and practice.pdf
323 Greiner W. Relativistic quantum mechanics. Wave equations [Springer, 2000].djvu
324 Guidelines for Chemical Process Quantitative Risk Analysis (2nd Edition)
325 Handbook near infrared analysis.pdf
326 Handbook of acid-base indicators.pdf
327 Handbook of Adhesion (Second Edition).pdf
328 Handbook Of Adhesive Bonded Structural Repair.pdf
329 Handbook of Affinity Chromatography 2nd
331 Handbook of Analytical Techniques in Concrete Science and Technology
332 Handbook of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics.pdf
334 Handbook of Bond Dissociation Energies.pdf
335 Handbook Of Carbon, Graphite, Diamond And Fullerenes.pdf
336 Handbook of Chemical Compound Data for Process Safety.pdf
337 Handbook of Chemical Processing Equipment.pdf
338 Handbook of ChemOffice.pdf
339 handbook of chromatography
340 Handbook of Cosmetic Science and Technology.pdf
341 Handbook of Derivatives for Chromatography, 2E.pdf
342 Handbook of Electrochemistry.pdf
343 Handbook of Elemental Speciation I Techniques and Methodology.pdf
344 Handbook of Elemental Speciation II Species in the Environment.pdf
345 Handbook of Food Analytical Chemistry, Volumes 1 and 2.pdf
346 Handbook of Hazardous Chemical Properties.pdf
347 Handbook of Hazardous Materials Spills Technology
348 Handbook Of Heterocyclic Chemistry 2nd.pdf
349 Handbook of Hydrothermal Technology.pdf
350 Handbook of industrial Chemistry
351 Handbook of Industrial Membranes, 2nd ed, Elsevier (1999).pdf
353 Handbook of Inorganic Chemicals 2003.pdf
354 Handbook of Instrumental Techniques for Analytical Chemistry.pdf
355 Handbook of Nanoscience, Engineering, and Technology 2nd Ed.pdf
356 Handbook of Nanotechnology 2nd ed.pdf
357 Handbook of Organic Photochemistry and Photobiology 2nd ed.pdf
358 Handbook of Photosynthesis
359 Handbook of Polyolefins, Second Ed
360 Handbook of Preparative Inorganic Chemistry, Volume 1 and 2, Complete 2 Volume Set.pdf
361 Handbook of Separation Process Technology
362 Handbook of Solid State Electrochemistry.pdf
363 Handbook of Solvents.pdf
364 Handbook Of Spectroscopy.pdf
365 Handbook of Surface and Colloid Chemistry.pdf
366 Handbook of Thin-Layer Chromatography.pdf
367 Handbook of Water Analysis.pdf
368 Handbook of X-Ray Spectrometry
369 Handbook of Zeolite Science and Technology
371 Harper’s Illustrated Biochemistry.chm
372 Hazardous Chemicals Handbook 2E.pdf
373 Heterocyclic
374 Heterogeneous Catalysis in Organic Chemistry.pdf
375 High Performance Liquid Chromatography.pdf
376 High Throughput Synthesis
377 Highlights in Bioorganic Chemistry.pdf
378 High-temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Fundamentals, Design and Applications.pdf
379 Histories of the Electron.pdf
380 Homogeneous Catalysis.pdf
381 How to Solve Word Problems in Chemistry.pdf
382 Hybrid Materials.pdf
383 Hydroboration and Organic Synthesis.pdf
384 Hydrocarbon Chemistry.djvu
385 Hydrocarbon Resins.pdf
386 Hydrocarbon Thermal Isomerizations (Second Edition)
387 Hydrogen Bonding – New Insights.pdf
388 Hydrogenation Methods.djvu
389 Hydrolases in Organic Synthesis 2nd ed.pdf
390 Ideas oF Quantum Chemistry.pdf
391 Identification of Cleaner Production Improvement Opportunities.pdf
392 Imidazole and benzimidazole synthesis.djvu
393 Indoles-Best Synthetic Methods.djvu
394 Inductively Coupled Plasma Spectrometry and Its Applications.pdf
395 Industrial Crystallization of Melts Van’t Land C.pdf
396 Industrial Dyes-Chemistry, Properties, Applications.pdf
397 Industrial Enzymes-Structure Function and Applications.pdf
398 Industrial Minerals and Their Uses A Handbook and Formulary
399 Industrial Organic Chemicals, 2ed.pdf
400 Industrial Organic Chemistry.pdf
401 Industrial Organic Pigments (Third Edition).pdf
402 Infrared Spectroscopy – Fundamentals and Applications.pdf
403 Inorganic and organometallic polymers.pdf
404 Inorganic Chemistry (3rd Edition)_muya.pdf
405 Inorganic Chemistry An Industrial and Environmental Perspective1.pdf
406 Inorganic Chemistry Catatan Singkat.pdf
407 Inorganic Chemistry in Focus III.pdf
408 Inorganic Chemistry Miessler & Tarr.pdf
409 Inorganic Chemistry-Principles of Structure & Reactivity HUHEEY.pdf
410 Inorganic Mass Spectrometry.pdf
411 Inorganic Materials Synthesis and Fabrication.pdf
412 Inorganic Phosphors Compositions, Preparation and Optical Properties.pdf
413 Inorganic Polymers.pdf
414 Inorganic Reactions and Structure (1962).djvu
415 Inorganic Reactions in Water, Springer (2007).pdf
416 Inorganic Semiconductors for Light-emitting Diodes.pdf
417 Inorganic Structural Chemistry – Muller.pdf
418 Inorganic Syntheses Vol-33.pdf
419 Inorganic Syntheses Vol-34.pdf
420 Instant Notes in Biochemistry.pdf
421 Integrated Approach to Coordination Chemistry 047146483X.pdf
422 Intelligent Macromolecules for Smart Devices.pdf
423 Interfacial Catalysis
424 Interfacial Nanochemistry.pdf
425 Intermetallic Compounds volume 4
426 Intermetallic Compounds, Volume 1.pdf
427 Intermetallic Compounds, Volume 2.pdf
428 Intermetallic Compounds, Volume 3.pdf
429 Intermolecular Interactions.pdf
431 Interpretation of Infrared Spectra, A Practical Approach.pdf
432 Interpretation Of Mass Spectral 4 Th Edition.pdf
433 Interpreting Infrared, Raman, and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectra.pdf
434 Introduction to Computational Chemistry.djvu
435 Introduction To Enzyme And Coenzyme Chemistry.pdf
437 Introduction to Nanotechnology, Wiley 2003.djvu
438 Introduction to Protein Structure.djvu
439 Introduction to Quantum Mechanics.djvu
440 Introduction to Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure.pdf
441 Introduction to Symmetry and Group Theory for Chemist 2004.pdf
442 Introduction to the Electron Theory of Metals.pdf
443 Introduction to X-Ray Powder Diffractometry.pdf
444 Introduction to Zeolite Science and Practice, 3rd Edition.pdf
445 Ion Exchange and Solvent Extraction Volume 16
446 Ion Exchange Materials-Properties and Applications.pdf
447 Ion Exchange Resins.pdf
448 Ionic Liquids in Synthesis.pdf
449 IR and Raman Spectroscopy – Fundamental Processing .pdf
450 Is it Safe to Eat
451 IUPAC nomenclature chemistry.pdf
452 Jeff s View On Science.pdf
453 Ketene II.pdf
454 Kimia Anorganik.pdf
455 Kinetic Theory.djvu
456 Kinetics and Mechanism of Reactions of Transition Metal Complexes.pdf
457 Kinetics of Catalytic Reactions.pdf
458 Kinetics of consecutive reactions in the solid state.pdf
459 Kinetics of Multistep Reactions, 2nd Ed.pdf
460 Kraus, Essentials of Crystallography (1906).djvu
461 Laboratory Information Management Systems Revised & Expanded.pdf
462 Laboratory methods of organic chemistry.pdf
463 Lange’s Handbook of Chemstry
464 Lanthanide and Actinide Chemistry.pdf
465 Lanthanides Chemistry and use in organic synthesis Vol 2
466 Large-Scale Adsorption and Chromatography, Volumes 1-2
467 Laser Chemistry-Spectroscopy Dynamics and Applications.pdf
468 Lead-Based Paint Handbook.pdf
469 Lectins Analytical Technologies.pdf
470 Lectures on Quantum Mmechanics.pdf
471 Lewis Acid Reagents A Practical Approach
472 Life Cycle Engineering of Plastics, Elsevier (2001).pdf
473 Liquid chromatography column theory.djvu
474 Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry.pdf
475 Liquid Crystals, Laptops And Life.pdf
477 Liquid Extraction.pdf
478 Low-Dimensional Molecular Metals.pdf
479 Macrocyclic Chemistry Current Trends Future Perspectives.pdf
480 Magazine Science 09112007.pdf
481 Magnetic Functions Beyond the Spin-Hamiltonian
482 Main Group Metals in Organic Synthesis.pdf
483 Manganese Catalysts In Homogeneous Oxidation Reactions.pdf
484 Manipulating Quantum Coherence in Solid State Systems, Springer 2007.pdf
485 Manual of Laboratory & Diagnostic Tests.pdf
486 March’s Advanced Organic Chemistry (Sixth Edition).pdf
487 Marine Natural Products
488 Mass Spectrometry Basic.djvu
489 Mass Spectrometry Principles and Applications 3rd edition.pdf
490 materials science.pdf
491 Mathematical Challenges from TheoreticalComputational Chemistry.pdf
492 Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics.djvu
493 Mathematics For Physical Chemistry Mortimer.pdf
494 mechanism and theory in organic chemistry(all).pdf
495 Membrane Technology and Applications.pdf
496 Membrane Technology.pdf
497 Mesoscopic Physics of Electrons and Photons.pdf
498 Metal Dihydrogen and -Bond Complexes – Structure, Theory, and Reactivity.pdf
499 Metal Nanoparticles Synthesis Characterization & Applications.pdf
500 Metal Oxide Chemistry and Synthesis.pdf
501 Metal-Catalysed Reactions of Hydrocarbons.pdf
502 Metallocenes Synthesis – Reactivity – Applications
503 Metallopolymer Nanocomposites.pdf
504 Metathesis Chemistry.pdf
505 Methods in Agricultural Chemical Analysis_A Practical Handbook_0851996086.pdf
506 Methods in Organic Synthesis Retrosynthetic Analysis.pdf
507 Micellar Liquid Chromatography (Chromatographic Science, V. 83.).pdf
508 Microwave Assisted Organic Synthesis
509 Microwaves in Organic Synthesis.pdf
510 Minyak Kelapa Sawit.pdf
511 Mixed Surfactant Systems
512 Modelling Molecular Structures , 2nd Edition.djvu
513 Models of the Atomic Nucleus.pdf
514 Modern Analytic Chemistry.pdf
515 Modern Analytical Chemistry (1999).pdf
516 Modern arene chemistry.pdf
517 Modern Aspects of Electrochemistry Volume 18.djvu
519 Modern Carbonyl Olefination Methods and Applications.pdf
520 Modern Derivatization Methods for Separation Sciences.pdf
521 Modern Electrochemistry 1 Ionics.djvu
522 Modern Fluoroorganic Chemistry.djvu
523 Modern Fluoroorganic Chemistry.pdf
524 Modern HPLC for practicing scientists.pdf
525 Modern Inorganic Chemistry.pdf
527 Modern Optical Spectroscopy.pdf
528 Modern Organocopper Chemistry.djvu
529 Modern Organonickel Chemistry.pdf
530 Modern Oxidation Methods 2004.pdf
531 Modern Phosphonate Chemistry.pdf
532 Modern Practice of Gas Chromatography 4ed 2004.pdf
533 Modern Quantum Chemistry Introduction to Advanced Electronic Structure Theory.djvu
534 Modern Quantum Chemistry Presentasi
535 Modern Rhodium-Catalyzed Organic Reactions.pdf
536 Modern Spectroscopy.pdf
537 Modern Trends in Chemical Reaction Dynamics. Experiment and Theory, Part I.pdf
538 Modification and Blending of Synthetic and Natural Macromolecules.pdf
539 Molecular Computing.chm
540 Molecular electronic structure
541 Molecular Electrostatic Potentials Concepts and Applications.pdf
542 Molecular Fluorescence Principles and Applications.pdf
543 Molecular Mechanc Tutor.pdf
544 Molecular Modelling Principles and Applications.djvu
545 Molecular Nutrition and Genomics-Nutrition and the Ascent of Humankind.pdf
546 Molecular Quantum Mechanics 4th Ed – P Atkins R. Friedman 2005.djvu
547 Molecular Reaction Dynamics.pdf
548 Molecular Spectroscopy of Oxide Catalyst Surfaces.pdf
549 Molecular Structure Its Study by Crystal Diffraction (1977) Speakman.djvu
550 Molecular Theory of Solutions.pdf
551 Molecular Thermodynamics-Donald McQuarrie 1999.pdf
552 Molecules and Crystals (1953).djvu
553 Monte Carlo Methods.pdf
554 Monthe Carlo Methods.pdf
555 Multicomponent Reactions.pdf
556 Multidimensional Chromatography.pdf
557 Name Reactions in Heterocyclic Chemistry.pdf
558 Name Reactions.pdf
559 Nanobiotechnology Concepts Applications and Perspectives
560 Nanochemistry.pdf
561 Nanocrystalline Materials.pdf
562 Nanocrystals Synthesis Properties and Applications.pdf
563 Nanoculture.Implications.of.the.New.Technoscience.pdf
564 Nanoelectromechanics in Engineering and Biology.pdf
565 Nanomanufacturing Handbook.pdf
566 Nanoparticle Assemblies and Superstructures.pdf
567 Nanoscale Calibration Standards and Methods
568 Nanoscale Materials In Chemistry.pdf
569 Nanoscale Technology in Biological Systems.pdf
571 Nanostructure Control of Materials.pdf
572 Nanostructures and Nanomaterials.pdf
573 Nanotechnology and Materials Technology Development 2006.pdf
574 Nanotechnology Demystified, Williams L, McGraw-Hill 2006.pdf
575 Nanotechnology for Environmental Remediation.pdf
576 Nanotechnology for Microelectronics and Optoelectronics.pdf
577 Nanotechnology innovation opportunities for tomorrow’s defence.pdf
578 Nanotechnology Risk Ethics and Law.pdf
579 Nanotribology and Nanomechanics – An Introduction.pdf
580 New Aspects of Zirconium Containing Organic Compounds.pdf
581 New Frontiers in Asymmetric Catalysis.pdf
582 New Frontiers in Ultrasensitive Bioanalysis.pdf
583 New Theories for Chemistry.pdf
584 New Trend in Quantum Systems in Chemistry and Physics.pdf
585 NEXAFS – Near Edge X-ray Absorption Fine Structure Spectroscopy.djvu
586 N-Heterocyclic Carbenes in Transition Metal Catalysis
587 Nitration and Aromatic Reactivity.djvu
588 Nitro.Group.in.Organic.Synthesis.pdf
589 Nitrosation Reactions and the Chemistry of Nitric Oxide.pdf
590 NMR – From Spectra to Structures 3540721959.pdf
591 NMR Spectroscopy – Data Acquisition, Second Edition.pdf
592 NMR Spectroscopy Explained.pdf
593 NMR Spectroscopy Lambert 2002.pdf
594 NMR Theory
595 Nmr, Nqr, Epr, and Mossbauer Spectroscopy in Inorganic Chemistry.pdf
596 nomenclature.pdf
597 Novel Nanocrystalline Alloys and Magnetic Nanomaterials.pdf
598 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Applied Organic Chemistry.pdf
599 Numerical Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow.pdf
600 Nutritional Biochemistry of the Vitamins.pdf
601 Opportunities Chemistry Careers.pdf
602 Orbital Interaction Theory of Organic Chemistry.pdf
603 Orbitals in Chemistry.djvu
604 Organic and Inorganic Nanostructures.pdf
605 Organic Chemistry – Francis A Carey
606 Organic Chemistry 2000 Oxford Clayden.pdf
607 Organic Chemistry 2nd Edition by Hornback Solutions Guide.pdf
608 Organic Chemistry 5th ed McMurry.djvu
609 Organic Chemistry by Hornback
610 Organic Chemistry by Paula Yurkanis Bruice.pdf
611 Organic Chemistry of Explosives(2007).pdf
612 Organic Electrochemistry.djvu
613 Organic Ion Radicals – Chemistry and Applications.pdf
614 Organic Mechanochemistry and Its Practical Applications.pdf
615 Organic Molecular Photochemistry.djvu
616 Organic Reaction Mechanisms 1997.pdf
617 Organic Syntheses Based on Name Reactions and Unnamed Reactions.djvu
618 Organic Syntheses Vol 66 Heathcock 1988.pdf
619 Organic Synthesis Concepts, Methods,Starting Materials.djvu
620 Organic Synthesis on Solid Phase Supports, Linkers, Reactions.djvu
621 Organic Synthesis State of The Art.pdf
622 Organic Synthesis Strategy and Control by Paul Wyatt Stuart Warren 2007.pdf
623 Organic Synthesis the disconnection approach.pdf
624 Organic Synthesis With Carbohydrates.pdf
625 Organic_Inorganic_Reactivity.pdf
626 Organic-Chemistry-Demystified-Daniel-Bloch.pdf
627 Organobismuth Chemistry
628 Organolithiums – Selectivity for Synthesis.djvu
629 Organomagnesium Methods in Organic Chemistry.pdf
630 Organosilanes in radical chemistry.pdf
631 Organotin Chemistry (Second Edition).pdf
632 Oxidation and Antioxidants in Organic Chemistry and Biology.pdf
633 Oxidation of Alcohols to Aldehydes and Ketones.pdf
634 Oxidations_in_Organic_Chemistry_Hudlicky.djvu
635 Palladium in Heterocyclic Chemistry (Tetrahedron Organic Chemistry).djvu
636 Palladium Reagents and Catalysts.djvu
637 palladium_reagents_wiley_2004.pdf
638 Parametric X-Ray Radiation in Crystals Theory, Experiment and Applications.pdf
639 Paterson’s AP chemistry.pdf
640 Path integrals in Quantum Mechanics statistic
641 Paula Yurkanis Bruice Organic Chemistry.pdf
643 Perfumes Cosmetics and Soaps 10th.pdf
644 Persistent Organic Pollutants Handbook of Environmental Chemistry.pdf
645 Phase Transitions Liquid Crystals.pdf
646 Phase-Separated Interpenetrating Polymer Networks.pdf
647 Philosophical Magazine and Journal Science.pdf
648 Phosphorus-Carbon Heterocyclic Chemistry.pdf
649 Photocatalysis.djvu
650 Photoproteins in Bioanalysis Daunert.pdf
651 Phthalocyanine compounds.pdf
652 Physical Basis of Chemistry.pdf
653 Physical Chemistry 7ed – Peter Atkins – Julio de Paula – instructors solution manual
654 Physical Chemistry for the Life Sciences by Atkins.pdf
655 Physical Chemistry I and II.pdf
656 Physical chemistry RG Mortimer
657 Physical Chemistry Robert G Mortimenr 2nd.pdf
658 Physical Chemistry-Understanding Our Chemical World.pdf
659 Physical properties of hydrocarbons 1 and 2
660 Physics and Chemistry of Interfaces.pdf
661 Physics for Chemists.pdf
662 pKa Data Compiled by R. Williams.pdf
663 Polymer chemistry.djvu
664 Polymeric Materials in Organic Synthesis and Catalysis.pdf
665 Polyynes_Synthesis_Properties_and_Applications.pdf
666 Powder Method in X-Ray Crystalography (1958).djvu
667 Practical Capillary Electrophoresis_2Ed
668 Practical Guide To Chemometrics.pdf
669 Practical guide to ICP MS.pdf
670 Practical High-Performance Liquid Chromatography.pdf
671 Practical HPLC Method Development, 2nd Edition.pdf
672 Practical Laboratory Skills Training Guides Gas Chromatography.pdf
673 Practical Organic Chemistry 4th.pdf
674 Predicting Chemical Toxicity and Fate.pdf
675 Preparative Chromatography.pdf
677 Priciples of Quantum Mechanics.djvu
678 Principles and Applications of Asymmetric Synthesis.pdf
679 Principles and Practice of Analytical Chemistry F.W. Fifield 2000.pdf
680 Principles of Adsorption Chromatography – The Separation of Nonionic Organic Compound.pdf
681 Principles of Biochemistry (Zubay_1994).pdf
682 Principles of Chemical Kinetics, 2nd Ed.pdf
683 Principles of Inorganic Materials Design.pdf
684 Principles of Soil Chemistry.djvu
685 Process Heat Transfer, Elsevier (2007).pdf
686 Properties of Complex Inorganic Solids.djvu
687 Properties of Materials-Anisotropy, Symmetry, Structure.pdf
688 Protective groups in organic synthesis. 3rd edition.djvu
689 Purification of Laboratory Chemicals 5th.pdf
690 Quality and Reliability in Analytical Chemistry.pdf
691 Quantitative Applications of Mass Spectrometry.pdf
692 Quantitative Chromatographic Analysis
693 Quantitative Spectroscopy – Theory and Practice.pdf
694 Quantum Chemistry of Solids.pdf
695 Quantum Chemistry.pdf
696 Quantum Computing without Magic.pdf
697 Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell.djvu
698 Quantum Mechanics
699 Quantum Mechanics – An Introduction(II).pdf
700 Quantum Mechanics VOL2.djvu
701 Quantum Mechanics (Springer, 2000).djvu
702 Quantum Mechanics in Chemistry – Simons & Nichols.pdf
703 Quantum Physica
704 Quantum theory – concepts and methods.pdf
706 Quaternary Ammonium Salts(2001)BSM.pdf
707 Quick Selection Guide to Chemical PPE.pdf
708 Quinoxalines, Supplement II (J. Brown).pdf
709 Quirky Sides of Scientists.pdf
710 Radiation Protection.pdf
711 Reaction Mechanisms of Inorganic and Organometallic Systems.pdf
712 Reactive Intermediate Chemistry.pdf
713 Reactivity Scales Nuchleophilic and Electropylic.pdf
714 Recent Developments in Mercury Science.pdf
715 Reductions by the Alumino- and Borohydrides in Organic Synthesis.pdf
716 Reductions in Organic Chemistry.pdf
717 Relativistic Quantum Mechanics, (Springer2005).pdf
718 Research_Techniques_in_Organic_Chemistry.pdf
719 Ring Enlargement Organic Chemistry.pdf
720 Ruthenium in Organic Synthesis.pdf
721 Salicylic Acid – A Plant Hormone.pdf
722 Sample Preparation in Chromatography.pdf
723 Sample Preparation Techniques in Analytical Chemistry.pdf
724 Sampling and Sample Preparation for Field and Laboratory
725 Sampling Methodologies with Applications.pdf
726 Schaum’s Outlines – Quantum Mechanics.djvu
727 Self-Organized Nanoscale Materials.pdf
728 Semiconductor and Metal Nanocrystals.pdf
729 Side Reaction on Organic Synthesis.pdf
730 Single Molecule Chemistry and Physics.pdf
731 Soft Mechanochemical Synthesis.pdf
732 SoftCondensed Matter.pdf
733 Sol-Gel Science The physics and chemistry of sol-gel processing – Brinker 1990.pdf
734 Solid State Chemistry.pdf
735 Solid State Physics Problem and Solution.djvu
736 Solid State Physics.pdf
737 Solid State Reactions Schmalzried(1974).djvu
738 Solid-Phase Organic Synthesis.pdf
739 Solomons Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry.pdf
740 Solution Chemistry.pdf
741 Solvent Extraction Principles and Practice-Second Edition, Revised and Expanded
742 Solvent Recovery Handbook-Ian Smallwood.pdf
743 Solvent-free Organic Synthesis.pdf
744 Solvents and Solvent Effects in Organic Chemistry 3e.pdf
745 Solvents and Solvent Effects in Organic Chemistry.pdf
746 Solving Problems with NMR Spectroscopy.djvu
747 Sources of Quantum Mechanics.djvu
748 Spectra of Atoms and Molecules.pdf
749 Spectral Techniques in Proteomics.pdf
750 Spectrochemical Trace Analysis for Metals and Metalloids
751 Spectrometric Identification Of Organic Chemistry by silverstein.djvu
752 Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compunds 7th ed.pdf
753 Spectroscopic Measurement An Introduction to the Fundamentals.pdf
754 Spectroscopy in Catalysis.pdf
755 Spin Dynamics-MalcolmH.Levitt.djvu
756 Stability Problems in Fracture Mechanics.djvu
757 Statistical Mechanics A Concise Introduction for Chemists.pdf
758 Statistical Principles and Techniques in Scientific and Social Investigations.pdf
759 Statistics in Spectroscopy
760 Stereochemistry – Workbook_191 Problems and Solutions.pdf
761 Stereochemistry Workbook.pdf
762 Stimulating Concepts in Chemistry.pdf
763 Stochastic Processes in Physics and Chemistry, Third ed, Elsevier.pdf
764 Structural Chemistry of Glasses.pdf
765 Structural Inorganic Chemistry.pdf
766 Structural Theory of Organic Chemistry.pdf
767 Structure and Chemistry of Crystalline Solids.pdf
768 Structure Determination of Organic Compounds
769 Structure elucidation by NMR in organic chemistry – A practical guide. 3rd edition.djvu
770 Structure of Metals (1943).djvu
771 Structure-Performance Relationships in Surfactants, Second Edition
772 Sulfur Reagents in Organic Synthesis (Best Synthetic Methods).djvu
773 Supercritical Fluid Technology in Materials Science and Engineering.pdf
774 Surface & Nanomolecular Catalysis.pdf
775 Surface and Interfacial Organometallic vol 16
776 Surface Effects in Magnetic Nanoparticles.pdf
777 Surfactant Science and Technology (Third Edition).pdf
778 Symmetry and Stereochemistry.pdf
779 Synthesis of Biaryls.pdf
780 Synthesis of Carbon-Phosphorus Bonds
781 Synthesis of Organometallic Compounds A Practical Guide.pdf
782 Systematic Organic Chemistry.djvu
783 systematic_identification_oc_fuson_8th.pdf
784 Tales of Mathematicians and Physicists.pdf
785 Technetium Rhenium (Topics in Current Chemistry, Vol 176).pdf
786 Techniques and Mechanisms in Electrochemistry.pdf
787 Tetrahedral Frameworks of Zeolites, Clathrates, Springer (2000).pdf
789 The Art of Problem Solving in Organic Chemistry.pdf
790 The art of writing reasonable organic reaction mechanisms. 2nd edition.pdf
791 The Basics of Chemistry (Basics of the Hard Sciences).pdf
792 The chemistry of colloids.pdf
793 The Chemistry of Cyclobutanes (Chemistry of Functional Groups).pdf
794 The Chemistry of Dienes and Polyenes Volume 2.pdf
795 The Chemistry of Essential Oils and Artificial perfumes VOL 1.pdf
796 The Chemistry of Essential Oils and Artificial perfumes VOL 2.pdf
797 The Chemistry of Fragrances From Perfumer to Consumer.pdf
798 The Chemistry of Heterocycles (Second Edition).pdf
799 The Chemistry of Metal Alkoxides.pdf
800 The Chemistry of Nanomaterials.pdf
801 The Chemistry of Organic Silicon Compounds, Parts 1 & 2 (Wiley, 1989).djvu
802 The Chemistry of Organolithium Compounds.pdf
803 The Chemistry of Organozinc Compounds(2006).pdf
804 The Chemistry of Peroxide Volume 2.djvu
805 The Chemistry of Pyrroles.djvu
806 The Chemistry of Radical Polymerization. 2nd Ed..pdf
807 The Chemistry of Sulphonic Acids, Esters and their Derivatives.pdf
808 The Chemistry of the Cyclopropyl Group-2-.pdf
809 The Claisen Rearrangement.pdf
810 The Crystal Lattice (2ed., Wiley, 2005) Kosevich A.M..pdf
812 The Diels-Alder reaction – Selected practical methods.pdf
813 The Electrolysis Of Organic Compounds.pdf
814 The Elements A Very Short Introduction.pdf
815 The Environment Challenges for the Chemical Sciences in the 21st Century.pdf
816 The Golden Book of Chemistry Experiments.pdf
817 The HPLC Solvent Guide 2nd Edition (Paul C. Sadek).pdf
818 The Hydrogen Bond and the Water Molecule.pdf
819 The Inorganic Radiochemistry of Heavy Elements.pdf
820 The Laboratory Quality Assurance System A Manual of Quality Procedures and Forms.pdf
821 The Mathematics of Physics and Chemistry.djvu
822 the NMR spectrometer.pdf
823 The Organometallic Chemistry of The Transition Metals.pdf
824 The Periodic Table-Its Story and Its Significance.pdf
825 The Physical Principles of Quantum Theory.pdf
826 The Practical Methods Of Organic Chemistry.pdf
827 The Properties of Gases and Liquids.pdf
828 The Quantum in Chemistry An Experimentalist’s View.pdf
829 The Quantum Mechanics Solver 2ed.pdf
830 The Quantum Theory of Atoms in Molecules.pdf
831 The Raman Effect A Unified Treatment of the Theory of Raman Scattering by Molecules.pdf
832 The Spectra and Dynamics of Diatomic Molecules.pdf
833 The Sperm Cell-Production Maturation Fertilization Regeneration.pdf
835 The Synthetic Organic Chemist’s Companion.pdf
836 The Theories of Chemistry, Elsevier (2003).pdf
837 The Vocabulary and Concepts of Organic Chemistry 2nd.pdf
838 The War Gases Chemistry And Analysis.pdf
839 The_chemistry_of_phenols_2003.pdf
840 Theoretical and Quantum Mechanics Fundamentals for Chemists.pdf
841 Theoretical Methods in Condensed Phase Chemistry.pdf
842 Theories and Techniques of Crystal Structure Determination.pdf
843 Theory and Applications of Computational Chemistry.pdf
844 Theory And Problems of Biochemistry schaum edition.djvu
845 Theory and Problems Organic Chemistry Schaum.djvu
846 Theory Liquids.pdf
847 Thermal Analysis – Wendlandt.pdf
848 Thermochemistry and Kinetics for the Oxidative Degradation of Dibenzofuran and Precursors.pdf
849 Thermodynamic Properties of Organic Compounds and their Mixtures.pdf
850 Thermodynamics Fundamentals for Applications.pdf
851 Thermodynamics and Kinetics in Materials Science – A Short Course.pdf
853 Thermodynamics of Natural Systems.pdf
854 Thermodynamics Principles Characterizing Physical and Chemical Processes, 3rd Ed.pdf
855 Thermodynamics Systems Containing Flexible Chain Polymers.pdf
856 Thermoelectrics Handbook Macro to Nano.pdf
857 Thin Layer Chromatography – Reagents and Detection Methods.djvu
858 Thin Layer Chromatography in Chiral Separations and Analysis.pdf
859 Thiophenes (Best Synthetic Methods).pdf
860 Time In Quantum Mechanics.djvu
862 Topics in Organometallic Chemistry.pdf
863 Topics in Stereochemistry Volume 23.pdf
864 Toxicants in Aqueous Ecosystems A Guide for the Analytical and Environmental Chemist.pdf
865 Trace Environmental Quantitative Analysis
866 Traceability in chemical measurement.pdf
867 Transgenic Plants Methods and Protocols.pdf
868 Transition Metal & Rare Earth Compounds
869 Transition Metals for Organic Synthesis Building Blocks and Fine Chemicals.djvu
870 Treatise on Thermodynamics.djvu
871 Ultraviolet Spectroscopy and UV Lasers
873 Understanding Carbon Nanotubes From Basics to Applications.pdf
874 Understanding Mass Spectra A Basic Approach.pdf
875 Understanding Molecular Simulation. From Algorithms to Applications.djvu
876 Understanding Thermodynamics.pdf
877 understanding_nmr_spectroscopy.pdf
878 Unusual Structures and Physical Properties in Organometallic Chemistry.pdf
879 Valence Bond Methods Theory and Applications.pdf
880 Valency and Bonding_A Natural Bond Orbital Donor-Acceptor Perspective.pdf
881 Valid Analytical Methods and Procedures.pdf
882 Validating Chromatographic Methods.pdf
883 Validation in Chemical Measurement
884 Vapor Pressure Of Chemical.pdf
885 Visions of the Future Chemistry and Life Science.pdf
886 Visual Quantum Mechanics.pdf
887 Visualizing Chemistry.pdf
888 Vogel’s – Textbook of Quantitative Chemical Analysis (5th edition; longmann).pdf
889 Vogel’s Textbook of Macro and Semimicro qualitative inorganic analysis.pdf
890 Vogels Textbook of Practical Organic Chemsitry.pdf
891 Wave mechanics of a two-wire atomic beam splitter.pdf
892 What is the Electron Spin.pdf
893 WODCA Manual.pdf
894 Wood and Cellulosic Chemistry.pdf
895 Writing Reaction Mechanisms in Organic Chemistry, Elsevier (2000).pdf
896 X-Ray Analysis of Crystals (1951).djvu
898 X-Ray Crystal Structure (1957) Mclachlan.djvu
899 X-Ray Crystallography (1942).djvu
900 X-Ray Diffraction – David Hukins.pdf
901 X-Ray Diffraction in Crystals, Imperfect Crystals and Amorphous Bodies.djvu
902 X-Ray Spectrometry-Recent Technological Advances.pdf
903 Zeolit Structures and Structure Determination.pdf

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